Bubba meets Superman in Metropolis, IL |
Big John in Metropolis, IL |
Country store somewhere near Land Between the Lakes Kentucky |
Ford Tri-Motor 4-AT-E "The Tin Goose" |
Cockpit of the Ford Tri-Motor |
We were starting to OD a little on the car scene so we decided to take the opportunity to divert from the planned route and discover what the locals had to offer. While planning our trip I had requested all the free brochures that all the different states' department of tourism had available. This is a great way to find things you would otherwise know nothing about. A quirky little entry for Metropolis, Illinois caught my eye. So we were off to find Superman. And we did find him everywhere downtown. Metropolis also has Big John. This huge bag boy greats you at the front of the parking lot for the supermarket. This was a good place to stop for a restroom break and snap a few pictures. A few hours later we were feeling a little hungry and so we stopped at a country store for a snack. Homemade FUDGE! These cheesy little stores are always good for a laugh or two so it is a good idea to take the time to explore. Our final destination was Bowling Green, Kentucky. We did the "get your time card stamped and pick-up your goodies" routine once again. But, I noticed a sign that said "Fly the Ford". This awesome Ford
Tri-Motor model 4-AT-E was flying people around and I just had to take a ride. What a great ending to a great day!