Riding with Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Living near the old Murphy Branch of the Southern Railway, we were happy to see Andrews Valley Rail Tours start their business. By leasing an unused section of track from the Great Smoky Mountains Railway in  Andrews, NC, Andrews Valley Rail Tours provided us with a short ride behind a Fairmont speeder. The air was chilly and the cart was a bit rough but we totally enjoyed our ride. The tour starts from the Andrews Depot and runs for about 5 miles to the Historic Valley River Tunnel. The tunnel was hand dug by the Southern Railway in 1894 and is a bit on the spooky side. There was a short stop on the far side of the tunnel which allowed us to stretch our legs and explore. We then turned around and came back. What a fantastic trip! We will surely be back next year when they switch over to pedal rail bike tours.

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours

Andrews Valley Rail Tours