Peg received a call from one of her PEZhead friends that Mr. Ed’s in Orrtanna, PA had just been stocked with the new Presidents set from PEZ. Since I don’t mind cruising Rt. 30, I grabbed my trusty iPhone for some snapshots and we were off. To illustrate how serious (crazy?) Peg is about her PEZ collecting, just remember that this is a 150 mile round trip for PEZ that will eventually be at our local Wal-Mart! But, Mr. Ed’s is a great place to pick up any current releases of PEZ and a fun little place to stop.

Both inside and out, Mr. Ed’s has all kinds of quirky elephant collectibles scattered about. It is a great place to act a little “nuts” and pose with the props. They have a great selection of candies including some hard to find varieties that were once popular in the past.

Since we were already on Rt. 30, you know we are going to swing by Desert Flower Wholesale. Just west of Gettysburg, PA, the shop has quite literary tons of concrete statues for sale and is open to the public. While the outside is remarkable with its variety of castings, you must wander inside for a colorful treat. This small building is just packed from floor to ceiling with all manner of trinkets. The place feels magical with all it glass orbs floating about the ceiling. Their selection of Día de Muertos or Day of the Dead art is second to none and I just wish I had more room in my house because I would have bought many of the items.